Purnia district is all set to become a bibliophile’s haven

Bihar’s Purnia, once seen as a backward and illiterate area, is all set to become a bibliophile’s haven with a library in almost every panchayat of the district, resulting in a collection of over 100,000 donated books. Out of 230 panchayats in Purnia district, 190 panchayats have their own libraries and the district administration has launched a ‘Kitab Daan Rath’ (a book donation vehicle) to collect books donated by patrons not only to open libraries in the remaining 40 panchayats but also to keep reading habits, especially amongst the youth, alive. In preparation for competitive and other examinations, youth and students from Purnia’s remote regions have been coming to libraries to study books and browse journals. - cited from HindustanTimes article


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